Back online - Olon, Ecuador August 2018

Sorry, we've been MIA for the last while. We've  been on a forced technology detox. The t.v and Internet have been out for almost a week.

Also, the boys have been sick... maybe sand isn't the best choice for your meal, or sucking on the soles of our dirty sandles, but hey what do I know?
It's taken a lot of diapers, Advil and coffee to get through the last 8 days, but we survived. I'm happy to report that this morning we woke up at a relatively normal time, poop, fever and screaming free. Now if only the weather would cooperate.

We managed to get out most days despite poo explosions. Our big excursion of the week was a walk to Montañita one afternoon. We "hiked" up the hill to a small church that sits on the cliff.

We had a great view of Olón and the surrounding jungle. We also spotted whale spouts not far off shore. In Montañita we explored the streets, had some delicious empanadas and checked out the murals around town.

Other than that, it's been small walks around our community, taking the boys to see whatever animals happen to be out and about that day. Taking them out for popsicles and trips to the market.

The people of Olón continue to be super lovely and friendly. Because we're white and have twins, we're sort of hard to miss. People have noticed we've been around for a while now. While we still get stopped by a lot of women asking about the boys, some men have approached us about where we are from and if we are new to the neighborhood.  Also, some of the vendors have become a lot more friendly and helpful.  

And the food has been delicious....
It deserves it's own entry, which I promisse to post soon! 



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